
Week 3 Discussion Solutions

#Activity 2: HTTP

Lines prefixed with > are inputs, lines prefixed with < are outputted by the program. The below only shows the communication over nc/netcat - assume there is a nc 80 command before each one.

#Stage -1: Initial Connection

> GET /
< Error: Use HTTP 1.1! You used HTTP/0.9 instead.

#Stage 0: Connecting using HTTP/1.1

> GET / HTTP/1.1
< HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND
< Server: Werkzeug/3.1.3 Python/3.12.8
< Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 03:12:29 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 89
< Connection: close
< <p>Error: Host 'None' not found.</p> Did you mean 'sockets.net'? Set it as a Host header.

#Stage 1: Host header

> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: sockets.net
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: Werkzeug/3.1.3 Python/3.12.8
< Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 03:15:17 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 202
< Set-Cookie: mycookie=chocolate_chip; Path=/
< Connection: close
< <h1>Welcome!</h1><h2>Flag: cs118{2.1:1n1t14l_c0nn3ct10n}</h2><p>Hello! You've successfully connected to my http server! Now, revisit the server, but following my instructions, including the cookie.</p>

#Stage 2: Cookies

> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: sockets.net
> Cookie: mycookie=chocolate_chip;
< Server: Werkzeug/3.1.3 Python/3.12.8
< Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 03:18:15 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 219
< Connection: close
< <p>cs118{2.2:c00k13s} Om nom nom - thanks for the cookie! Remember to keep sending this cookie every time! That being said, I don't know who you are. Can you set a user agent? Just set it to your name or something.</p>

#Stage 3: User Agent Header

> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: sockets.net
> Cookie: mycookie=chocolate_chip;
> User-Agent: Example
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: Werkzeug/3.1.3 Python/3.12.8
< Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 03:20:47 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 129
< Connection: close
< <p>cs118{2.3us34_4g3nt} Nice to meet you, Example!</p> Let's change paths, shall we? <a href="/new_path">Just click here!</a></p>

#Stage 4: Path Change

> GET /new_path HTTP/1.1
> Host: sockets.net
> Cookie: mycookie=chocolate_chip;
> User-Agent: Example
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: Werkzeug/3.1.3 Python/3.12.8
< Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 03:22:30 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 385
< Connection: close

#Stage 5: POST Request

> POST /new_path HTTP/1.1
> Host: sockets.net
> Cookie: mycookie=chocolate_chip;
> User-Agent: Example
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> Content-Length: 17
> favorite_pet=catz
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: Werkzeug/3.1.3 Python/3.12.8
< Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 03:26:50 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 108
< Connection: close
< <p>I love that! Congrats on making it all the way through! Here is your final flag: cs118{2.5:http_guru}</p>

#Activity 3: DNS

For this mini-activity, we will resolve a domain name ourselves! In order to do this, we will use the dig command-line tool. You MUST use the Google Cloud Shell at https://shell.cloud.google.com/?show=terminal, or else some questions are unsolvable.

Using the dig command is simple:

dig [@dns resolver] <query> [record type]. [] are optional parameters, <> are required parameters.

For example, to lookup the AAAA record for ctf.cs118.org, you can use dig ctf.cs118.org AAAA. If you want to use cloudflare’s DNS servers specifically (available at, run dig AAAA @ ctf.cs118.org. If you do not specify a record, A is used by default.

Let’s start simple: what is the value of the A record for dns.cs118.org?

From 3.1, what is the IP address of the server that responded, and what transport layer protocol did it use? Respond like IP:PROTOCOL, like

What type of DNS server did we contact in 3.1 and 3.2?

  1. Root
  2. TLD
  3. Authoritative
  4. Recursive - CORRECT
  5. Iterative
  6. ISP

Now, it’s time to resolve a domain from scratch! What is the type of DNS server we need to contact first?

  1. Root - CORRECT
  2. TLD
  3. Authoritative
  4. Recursive
  5. Iterative
  6. ISP

Alright! Let’s get started.

The root name servers are available at LETTER.root-servers.net where LETTER is a letter a-m. Except since we are doing this manually, we can’t resolve this. Instead, a text file with the IP address of the root DNS servers are distributed by hand to all resolvers that need it, and a copy of this file is attached.

What is the IPv4 Address of the Root DNS server that is hosted by USC’s Information Sciences Institute, or ISI?

Let’s query that server for dns.cs118.org, A record. What command should we run?

Run the command! Wait, we don’t get the A record back! Instead, we only get the record for org.. What DNS server type did we just get redirected to?

  1. Root
  3. Authoritative
  4. Recursive
  5. Iterative
  6. ISP

Notice that in the authority section, we see that org. is redirected to some name servers such as a0.org.afilias-nst.info., but in the additional section, we are also given the IP addresses of those name servers. What is the name of this technique?

Let’s use one of the name servers (pick any of them) and query it for dns.cs118.org. What is the resulting response? Answer in the format RECORD_TYPE:RES,RECORD_TYPE:RES, like AAAA:,A:,TXT:

Oops! In order to resolve this, and since we don’t get the IP addresses automatically, we need to start over, but this time on the .com TLD. Go ahead and do this with rose.ns.cloudflare.com against the root DNS servers again. What is an IPv4 address of a TLD name server we can use when running the appropriate dig command?

Let’s try again: query one of the .com TLD name servers for the IP address of rose.ns.cloudflare.com. What is the hostname of a name server for the cloudflare.com domain?

Now that we have the name server for cloudflare.com, finally, what is an IPv4 address for rose.ns.cloudflare.com?

We’re done! Right?

Oh right, we were resolving rose.ns.cloudflare.com just so we can continue resolving dns.cs118.org manually. Let’s continue: resolve dns.cs118.org against the cs118.org name servers. What is the final result, and what is it’s TTL? Answer in the format IP:TTL, like

#Platform Questions

#DNS 1

Which of the following statements about DNS is true?

#DNS 2

Why do the root DNS servers not have to keep track of all IP addresses on the internet? Answer in no more than 25 words. Iterative queries and pointers allow for DNS to act as a large distributed database.

#DNS 3

The user on host A wants to access box.cs118.org to do the LA activity for this class. Assume host A’s local DNS server cache is empty. The round trip time between host A and the local DNS server is 10 ms. The round trip time between the local DNS server to any DNS server in the hierarchy is 50 ms. Any domain under cs118.org is hosted by ns.cs118.org (one level below the authoritative server) which handles all subdomains of cs118.org. Ignoring any processing and queuing delays, how many ms will elapse from when the user requests box.cs118.org to when host A gets the IP address for box.cs118.org?

160: The query goes host A —> local DNS Server (5ms) —> Root Name Server (30ms) —> local DNS server (55ms) —> TLD Name Server (80ms) —> local DNS Server (105ms) —> ns.cs118.org (130ms) —> local DNS Server (155ms) —> Host A (160ms)

#DNS 4

Continuing from DNS 3, the user on host B also wants to access box.cs118.org just moments after the query that host A made finishes (i.e. everything is still cached - assume TTLs are large enough so nothing has expired yet). Host B uses the same local DNS server as host A. The round trip time between any host in the network and the local DNS server is 10ms. The round trip time between the local DNS server to any DNS server in the hierarchy is 50 ms. Any domain under cs118.org is hosted by ns.cs118.org (one level below the authoritative server) which handles all subdomains of cs118.org. Ignoring any processing and queuing delays, how many ms will elapse from when the user requests box.cs118.org to when host B gets the IP address for box.cs118.org?

10: The query goes host A —> local DNS Server (5ms) —> host A (10ms)

#DNS 5

Continuing from DNS 4, the user on host C wants to access wikipedia.org just moments after the query that host A AND host B made finishes (i.e. everything is still cached - assume TTLs are large enough so nothing has expired yet). Host C uses the same local DNS server as host A. The round trip time between any host in the network and the local DNS server is 10ms. The round trip time between the local DNS server to any DNS server in the hierarchy is 50 ms. Any domain under cs118.org is hosted by ns.cs118.org (one level below the authoritative server) which handles all subdomains of cs118.org. Ignoring any processing and queuing delays, how many ms will elapse from when the user requests wikipedia.org to when host C gets the IP address for wikipedia.org?

110: The query goes host A —> local DNS Server (5ms) —> TLD Name Server (30ms) —> local DNS Server (55ms) —> wikipedia.org Name Server (80ms) —> local DNS Server (105ms) —> Host C (110ms)

#HTTP Versions 1

What is the first version of HTTP that allowed for virtual hosting, and what is the name of the header that allowed this to occur?

Answer like 5,cats for HTTP version 5 and header called cats.


#HTTP Versions 2

Which of the following feature(s) does HTTP/1.1 support?

  1. Parallel Connections
  2. Persistent Connections
  3. Pipelining
  4. Multiplexing
  5. Server push
  6. Encryption

Answer as a comma-separated list, like 1,2,3.


#HTTP Versions 3

Which of the following feature(s) does HTTP/2 support?

  1. Parallel Connections
  2. Persistent Connections
  3. Pipelining
  4. Multiplexing
  5. Server push
  6. Encryption

Answer as a comma-separated list, like 1,2,3.


#HTTP Versions 4

Which of the following feature(s) does HTTP/1.0 support?

  1. Parallel Connections
  2. Persistent Connections
  3. Pipelining
  4. Multiplexing
  5. Server push
  6. Encryption

Answer as a comma-separated list, like 1,2,3.



Which HTTP operation model typically consumes a larger amount of server resources for the same web page containing many small images and js/css files: nonpersistent HTTP with parallel TCP connections or a single persistent connection with pipelining? Why?

Please note: you only get one submission, so make sure your answer is ready before submitting!

Nonpersistent HTTP with parallel TCP connections: this requires opening a new TCP socket for every single object downloaded, allocating a new port and using more server resources than pipelining where only a single TCP socket is used.


Which of the following is found in every HTTP 1.0 and later request message?

  1. Human-readable status
  2. Nonce
  3. Port
  4. Method
  5. Path
  6. HTTP Version
  7. Host
  8. Status code
  9. Stream #
  10. Content Type
  11. HTML
  12. Body

Answer in a list, such as 1,2,3



Which of the following is found in every HTTP 1.0 and later response message?

  1. Human-readable status
  2. Nonce
  3. Port
  4. Method
  5. Path
  6. HTTP Version
  7. Host
  8. Status code
  9. Stream #
  10. Content Type
  11. HTML
  12. Body
